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biological systems can 外教口语网课一对一 generate microstructured materials that combine organic andinorganic componentsand possess diverse physical andchemical properties.

we use a synthetic-biology approach to assemblepatterned materials

de novo protein design holds promise for creating small

stable proteins with shapescustomized to bindtherapeutic targets.

small (4–12 kda) bindingproteins have thepotential to bridgethe 外教口语网课一对一 gap between monoclonal antibodies and small molecule drugs ,with advantages of stability and amenability tochemical synthesis over monoclonal antibodies, and of selectivity anddesignability over small molecules.

directed evolution, starting from naturally occurring small proteinscaffolds,

has previously been used to generate new binding proteins

the clustered regularlyinterspaced 外教口语网课一对一 short palindromic repeat (crispr) system has been widely used to mediate genome editing in a variety of organisms andcell lines

motivated by this need, researchers have sought to increasethe efficiency of hdr and suppress nhej.回来搜狐,查看更多


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