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Unit7 It’s raining !


rain v.下雨 n.雨水

windy adj.多风的

cloudy adj.多云的

sunny adj.晴朗的

snow v下雪;雪

weather n.气候

cook v.煮饭

bad adj.坏的;糟的

park n.公园

message n.信息;消息

take a message 捎个口信;传话

him pron.他(he的宾格)

could v.能;可以

back adj.回来;回原处

call(sb)back 回电话

problem n.困难;难题

again adj.再一次;又一次

dry adj.单调的

cold adj.严寒的;冷的

hot adj.热的

warm adj.温暖的

visit v.造访;赏识

Canada n.加拿大

summer n.夏天;夏日

sit v.坐

juice n.果汁;饮料

soon adv.不久;很快

vacation n.假期

on(a)vacation 休假

hard adv.尽力地;困难的

Europe n.欧洲

mountain n.高山

country n.国;国家

skate v.滑冰

snowy adj.下雪的

winter n.冬天;冬天

Russian adj.俄罗斯的;俄罗斯人;俄语

snowman n.雪人

rainy adj.阴雨的;多雨的


1.How is the weather…?=What’s the weather like…? 气候怎么样?

2.in the rainy weather 在雨天

3.talk about the weather with friends 和兄弟谈论气候

4.play computer games 玩电脑游戏

5.watch TV 看电视

6.How’s it going? 悉数还好么?.

7.not bad 不坏,不错

8. at the park= in the park 在公园

9.sound like 听起来像

10.have a good time 玩得开心;过得开心

11.study at sb’s home 在或人的家大学习

12. take a message for sb. 为或人带消息

13. tell sb. to do sth. 告诉或人做某事

14. call sb. back (给或人)回电话

15. no problem 没疑问

16. do one’s homework 做或人的作业

17. right now 如今;当即;马上

18. study English 学习英语

19. have a great time doing 开心做某事

20. summer school 暑期学习班

21. visit some of my old friends 造访我的一些老兄弟

22. be happy to do sth. 高兴做某事

23. sit by the pool 坐在游水池边

24. drink orange juice 喝橙汁

25. summer vacation 暑假

26. study hard 尽力学习

27. be on vacation 在休假

28. write to sb. 给或人写信

29. in your country 在你的国家

30. next month 下个月

31. for three hours 三个小时

32. wear hats 戴帽子

33. take a photo of sb. 给或人照相

34. speak to sb. 给或人说话


1. Hello,Rick speaking.


2. Hi Rick, It’s Steve.


3. —How’s it going?


—Not bad, thanks.


4.Sounds like you’re having a good time.


5.Could you just tell him to call me back?


6. She is working here and I’m going to summer school.


7. 一How’s the weather?


—It’s cloudy. /It’s sunny. /It’s rainy.


8.He’s studying at his friend’s home.


9.I’m having

a great time visiting my aunt in Canada.


10.The weather here is cool and cloudy,just right for walking.


11. I’m studying English and I’m learning a lot.


12. How’s your summer vacation going?


关于作者: admin
