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Unit 1(13个单词)


·like英 [lak] / v.喜爱These two girls like to sing.(这两个女孩喜爱歌唱。)·dog英 [dg] / n.狗It”s a dog.(这是一只狗。)·animal英 [”nm()l] / n.动物Every kind of animal went on the boat.(每一种动物都上了船。)·cat英 [kt] / n.猫It”s a cat. (这是一只猫。)·cute英 [kjut] / 心爱的Oh, look at that kitten! He”s so cute.(哦,看看那只猫!它太心爱了。)·panda英 [”pnd] / n.熊猫It is well known that bamboo shoots are a panda”s staple diet.(竹笋是熊猫的首要食物,这是人所共知的。)·fat英 [ft] / adj.胖的You”ll become fat if you eat too much junk food.(假定你吃许多废物食物的话,会长胖的。)·elephant英 [”elf()nt] / n.大象His tour de force is an elephant sculpture.(他的精心之作是一件大象雕塑。)·horse英 [hs] / n.马The horse he painted is very lifelike.(他画的马很传神。)·lion英 [”lan] / n.狮子The lion roared once, and sprang.(狮子大吼一声,跳了起来。)·monkey英 [”mk] / n.山公Act like a monkey.(扮演一只山公。)·tiger英 [”tag] / n.山君It”s a tiger.(这是一只山君。)·have英 [hv;hv] / v.有They have a son.(他们有一个儿子。)Unit 2(16个单词)


·Let”s…英 [lets] / 咱们……let”s go to the park.(咱们去公园吧。)

·Let”s=Let us英 / abbr.让咱们Let us not cavil too much.(咱们就别太挑剔了。)·make英 [mek] / v.做;制造This is of Chinese make.(这是我国制造的。)·fruit英 [frut] / n.生果I want some fruit.(我想要一些生果。)·salad英 [”sld] / n.色拉Scatter the tomato over, then dress the salad.(把西红柿散放在上面,然后给色拉加调味汁。)·pineapple英 [”panp()l] / n.菠萝Pineapple is my favorite fruit.(菠萝是我特别喜爱的生果。)·mango英 [”mg] / n.芒果The mango is a tropical fruit.(芒果是一种热带生果。)·any英 [”en] / adj.一些;任何的Ask me if you have any question.(假定你有疑问就问我。)·banana英 [b”nɑn] / n.香蕉Do you like bananas?(你喜爱香蕉吗?)·some英 [sm;sm] / adj.一些I ordered some new books from the bookstore.(我从书店订购了一些新书。)·grape英 [grep] / n.葡萄The grape vine climbed up along the wall.(葡萄藤沿墙攀缘而上。)·Thanks.英 [θks] / 谢谢。Yes,thanks.(是的,谢谢。)·our英 [a] / pron.咱们的These are

our toys.(这些是咱们的玩具。)·cool英 [kul] / int.酷,真棒It”s cool and windy.(气候凉快多风。)·wonderful英 [wnd(r)fl] / adj.精彩的,绝妙的Wow!What a wonderful test score!(哇,你的成果真好!)·how many英 / 多少How many books?(有多少本书?)Unit 3(18个单词)


·thirteen英 [θ”tin; ”θtin] / num.十三There”s a number thirteen on my shirt.(我的T恤上印稀有字13.)·sticker英 [”stk] / n.贴纸You get a sticker.(你得到一张贴纸了。)·can英 [kn] / aux.可以;能;会You can make that dream come true.(你可以让那个愿望完成。)·have a look英 / 看一看You should go along and have a look.(你大约去瞧瞧。)·very英 [”ver] / adv.很,非常Very clever!(真聪明!)·fifteen英 [ff”tin; ”fftin] / num.十五My son will turn fifteen years old this year.(我儿子本年就要十五岁了。)·sure英 [:(r)] / adv.当然Your want me to call him?Sure,I can do that!(你想让我给他打电话么

?当然,我能做到!)·fourteen英 [f”tin; ”ftin] / num.十四February fourteen is Valentine”s Day.(2月14日是情人节。)·sixteen英 [sks”tin; ”skstin] / num.十六She got a special gift when she turned sixteen years old.(当她年满16岁时,收到了一份特别的礼物。)·seventeen英 [sev()n”tin; ”sev()ntin] / num.十七The number on the ball is seventeen.(球上的数字是17。)·eighteen英 [e”tin; ”etin] / num.十8I am eighteen years old.(我十8岁了。)·nineteen英 [nan”tin; ”nantin] / num.十九After nineteen years,I still felt young.(过了十九年,我仍然觉得年青。)·play英 [ple] / v.玩;打(球)Come and play!(一同来玩吧!)·many英 [”men] / adj.许多I”ve wrapped so many gifts for Christmas.(我把这么多圣诞礼物都包装好了。)·box英 [bks] / n.盒子The cardboard box was crushed.(纸箱子压扁了。)·table tennis英 / n.乒乓球Table tennis is a national ball game of china.(乒乓球是我国的国球。)·but英 [bt; bt] / conj.但

I thought I would succeed,but I failed.(我认为我会成功,可是我失利了。)·do英 [du] / v.做;干She can do a lot of hard work.(是的,我喜爱。)Unit 4(15个单词)


·basketball英 [”bɑsktbl] / n.篮球Do you often play basketball?(你常常打篮球吗?)·well英 [wel] / adv.好She is not a well woman.(她不是一个安康的女人。)·can”t=can not英 / v.不能,不会Oh, no! I can”t skate.(哦,不!我不会滑冰。)·have a try英 / 试一试Why not have a try?(为啥不试一试?)·yeah英 [je; je] / int.是的,对的Yeah, I can”t wait.(是的,我不能等了。)·football英 [”ftbl] / n.足球He likes to play football.(他独爱踢足球。)·jump英 [dmp] / v.跳I can jump.(我会跳高。)·skate英 [sket] / v.溜冰;滑冰I like skating, Can you skate?(我喜爱滑冰,你会滑冰吗?)·swim英 [swm] / v.游水Can you swim?(你会游水吗?)·quack英 [kwk] / n.(鸭子的)呱呱声There were ducks quacking on the lawn.(草地上有几只鸭子在嘎嘎叫。)·tweet英 [twit] / n.(小鸟的)叽喳声hello , birdie . tweet , tweet , my friend . tweet , tweet.(喂,鸟儿,叽叽喳喳我的兄弟。)·fly英 [fla] / v.飞The wild geese fly from north to south.(大雁由北向南飞。)·ouch英 [at] / int.哎哟Ouch. That hurt.(哎哟,好痛。)·sad英 [sd] / adj.哀痛的;哀痛的You look sad in this picture.(这张相片你看起来很哀痛。)·either英 [”a; ”i-] / adv.也You can park on either side of the street.(这条街两端都可泊车。)Unit 5(14个单词)


·home英 [hm] / n.家This guy lives in a pineapple-shaped home.(他的家是一个菠萝形状的房子。)·bedroom英 [”bedrum; -rm] / n.卧室I want to sleep in a bedroom like this.(我想在这样的卧室里睡觉。)·living room英 / 客厅Your living room is so nice!(你的客厅真秀丽!)·sofa英 [sf] / n.沙发Your sofa is so nice!(你的沙发真秀丽!)·come英 [km] / v.来Will he come to your home with Christmas gifts?(他会带着圣诞礼物来你家吗?)·kitchen英 [”ktn; -t()n] / n.厨房She started cleaning the kitchen.(她初步打扫厨房。)·clock英 [klk] / n.钟It”s a large clock.(这是一个大钟。)·fridge英 [frd] / n.冰箱She made her way to the kitchen to raid the fridge.(她走向厨房去扫荡冰箱。)·table英 [”teb()l] / n.桌子Your book is on the table.(你的书在桌子上。)·bathroom英 [”bɑθrum; -rm] / n.清洁间She”s in the bathroom.(她在浴室里。)·How are you?英 / 你好吗?Hi! How are you doing?(嗨!你迩来怎么样?)·hungry英 [”hgr] / adj.饿的,饥饿的He”s hungry for a hamburger.(他太饿了,想吃个汉堡包。)·What would you like?英 / 你想要啥?What would you like me to say?(你期望我说些啥?)·I”d like…英 / 我想要……I”d like to buy him lunch.(我想请他吃午饭。)Unit 6(17个单词)


·at英 [t; t] / prep.在(某处)We are at school.(咱们在学校。)·snack bar英 / 快餐店,小吃店The snack bar is open during the day.(小吃店白日运营。)·hamburger英 [hmb:g] / n.汉堡包Hamburger is unhealthy but delicious.(汉堡虽不安康但好吃。)·a glass of英 / 一杯Get me a glass of water.(给我杯水。)·noodles英 [nu:dlz] / n.面条I want noodles.(我想吃面条。)·dad英 [dd] / n.父亲Dad spoils me. He loves me.(父亲很宠我,很爱我。)·sandwich英 [”sn(d)wd; -wt] / n.三明治She was eating a sandwich.(她在吃三明治。)·a cup of英 / 一杯I could do with a cup of tea.(我需要一杯茶。)·coffee英 [”kf] / n.咖啡I drink coffee black.(我喝咖啡不加奶。)·Anything else?英 / 这要其他东西吗?Is there anything else you want us to do?(还有啥旁的事要咱们做吗?)·tea英 [ti] / n.茶Sometimes I drink tea.(我有时喝点儿茶。)·juice英 [dus] / n.果汁I am thirsty. I want some juice.(我饿了。我想要些果汁。)·rice英 [ras] / n.米饭;大米I want rice and vegetables.(我想要米饭和蔬菜。)·Me too.英 / 我也是。I”ve got a great feeling about it.Me too.(我对它有一种极好的感触。我也是。)·fish英 [f] / n.鱼Do you like fish?(你喜爱鱼吗?)·Can I help you?英 / 我能帮你吗?May I help you?(我能为你效能吗?)·big英 [bg] / adj.大的It”s a big hamburger,but I can finish it!(这么大一个汉堡包,可是我能吃完!)Unit 7(17个单词)


·how much英 / 多少钱How much are they?(它们多少钱?)·shoe英 [u] / n.鞋子Low-heeled comfortable shoes are best.(舒畅的低跟鞋子最佳了。)·yuan英 [j”ɑn] / n.(公民币)元She spent twenty yuan in all.(她一总花了20元。)·sock英 [sk] / n.袜子I bought a new pair of sock yesterday.(我昨日买了一对新短袜。)·umbrella英 [m”brel] / n.伞Take this umbrella with you.(这把雨伞你把它带上。)·only英 [”nl] / adv.只需;只是He is the only one on the road.(他是路上仅有的行人。)·twenty-eight英 / 二十8He had spent twenty-eight years there.(他在那儿日子了二十8年。)·Well done.英 / 好样的。干得好。Well done, boys and girls!(做得极好,同学们!)·fan英 [fn] / n.扇子I”m a sports fan.(我是个别育迷。)·twenty英 [”twent] / num.二十Twenty is a good age.(二十岁是个好年岁啊。)·thirty英 [”θt] / num.三十The chef was thirty years old.(主厨三十岁了。)·forty英 [”ft] / num.四十Congratulations on turning forty years old!(恭喜你满四十岁!)·fifty英 [”fft] / num.五十My parents are over fifty years old.(我的父母过五十岁了。)·forty-five英 [”f:tifaiv] / num.四十五It”s five forty-five.(如今是五点四十五。)·her英 [h] / pron.她的I”ll ask her what she”s looking at.(我会问问她,她正在看啥。)·tail英 [tel] / n.尾巴The horse”s long tail lifted up into the air as it ran.(马的长尾巴跟着其奔驰而甩向空中。)·long英 [l] / adj.长的Everyone noticed her beautiful,long,Black hair.(一切人都留心到了她那秀丽的棕色长发。)Unit 8(12个单词)


·hair英 [he] / n.头发I hava black hair.(我有一头黑色的头发。)·eye英 [a] / n.双眼This is my eye.(这是我的双眼。)·nose英 [nz] / n.鼻子Touch your nose.(摸摸你的鼻子。)·mouth英 [maθ] / n.嘴巴This is my mouth.(这是我的嘴巴。)·small英 [sml] / adj.小的This is a small model of my real house.(这是我房子的一个小模型。)·his英 [hz] / pron.他的He looks really cool next to his sports car.(他站在自个的跑车周围,看起来酷毙了!)·short英 [t] / adj.短的;矮的Short hair is in style now.(短发如今很盛行。)·ear英 [] / n.耳朵Touch your ear.(摸摸你的耳朵。)·king英 [k] / n.国王It is my destiny one day to be king.(我射中注定有一天要变成国王。)·thin英 [θn] / adj.瘦的He was a tall, thin man with grey hair.(他是个瘦高个,头发灰白。)·tall英 [tl] / adj.高的How did you grow so tall?(你是怎么长得这么高的?)·snowman英 [”snmn] / n.雪人We can make a snowman in winter.(咱们在冬天可以堆雪人。)《苏教译林版_四大学英语上册_三大学起点》由[成人子点读]APP独家自创收拾并发布,未经授权不得转发。成人子单词每天练供给标准的发音,详实的释义,恰当的例句,助力我们学好英语。

关于作者: admin
