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其次,根据孩子不同时期的兴趣,对书单顺序进行调整。女儿喜欢看各种动物图片,我就找出所有卡尔爷爷的作品;女儿最初害怕Five Little Monkeys和Go Away, Mr Wolf!,我就不讲,直到最近才重新共读。整个共读过程中,女儿是主角。


在第22周,我们陪女儿逛动物园和海底世界,基本以有声书为主。回到家后,配合游戏复习巩固。Today Is Monday讲的是星期,属于时间范畴,女儿爱听爱唱即可。This Old Man则是继续熟悉数名和指物读数,不认数字,数量随缘。

第23周,女儿的阅读兴趣明显在Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush上,直到本周三,她才想看Over In the Meadow。这也许跟女儿对小朋友的热情有关,她现在最想去的地方就是幼儿园。因此,这一周的两部绘本,前者精读,后者泛读。

Week 22(12/26-1/1)


① Today Is Monday(廖 Week 8)

② This Old Man(自选,Child's Play)


① Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

② One Two Three Four


① Ten in the Bed

② Days of the Week

Today Is Monday

这部绘本的作者是Eric Carle,内容浅显易懂,重复性高,歌曲也朗朗上口。女儿虽然搞不清楚每天都是星期几,但她听多了依然能哼唱。我觉得女儿做到这种程度已经足够。

1. 绘本解读(共读时,务必手指指物)

⑴ 封面与内封:

① 封面:The black cat wears a bib and has a knife and fork.There is a spoon on the table.

② 内封1:The colorful parrot / macaw is flying with a knife in its mouth.The brown dog is running with a spoon in its mouth.The black cat is running with a fork in its mouth.

③ 内封2:This is a fork.This is a plate. This is a knife. This is a spoon.

⑵ 主体内容:我把单词/词组拓展了句子,加入了绘本中的7种动物。请注意周一的动物是豪猪,不是刺猬。为强调星期,我把On Monday等前置。周一到周日依次用1~7个圆点来表示。

OnMonday● the porcupinehas string beans.

On Tuesday ●● the snake has spaghetti.

OnWednesday ●●● the elephant hassoup.

On Thursday ●●●● the cat hasroast beef.

On Friday ●●●●●the pelicanhas fresh fish.

OnSaturday ●●●●●● thefoxhas chicken.

On Sunday ●●●●●●● themonkeyhas ice cream.

⑶ TPR:

All you hungry children:摸摸肚皮(反之,full可以用拍拍肚皮来表示)。


eat it up:张大嘴巴,做出满口吞下的表情。

2. 拓展游戏

⑴ 转盘

做出来纯粹是为了玩儿,因为女儿很喜欢圆形和各种各样的球。女儿玩转盘时,我会随机指指其中的动物/食物:What animal / food?动物和食物都能正常输出,星期是跟着我复述。

⑵ 分类与配对


① 告之规则。指着第一列,说:"This part / column is for the DAYS of the week. Monday, Tuesday, … and Sunday."指着第二列和左边的动物卡片:"This part / column is for animals."指着第三列和右边的食物卡片:"This part / column is for food."

② 我先唱歌:"Today is Monday. Today is Monday. Monday, 此处停顿,等待女儿接上" 女儿回答:"String beans."我指完食物卡片后,问:"Can you find out string beans?" 之后,女儿找出,贴到相应位置。后面以此类推。

③ 我指指第2列,问:"What animal has string beans on Monday?" 女儿答:"Porcupine." 我指完动物卡片后,问:"Can you find out porcupine?" 之后,女儿找出,贴到相应位置。后面以此类推。

⑶ 餐具(可搭配食物)


比如一边手拿筷子,敲打盘子,一边说:"Plate, plate, play on the plate."

放一些酱料在茶碟里:"Saucer, saucer, sauce in the saucer."

This Old Man

This Old Man是一首古老的童谣,绘本版本也是多种多样,比较有名的有Child's Play和Barefoot Books(绘本名为Knick Knack Paddy Whack)。这里我使用了Child's Play版本,因为有数量展示,对不认识数字的小朋友更友好。Barefoot那一版更适合已经认识数字的小朋友。

1. 内容解读

⑴ 封面与内封:

① 封面:

This book is about this old man.

He has red cheeks and a long white beard with a big smile.

He stands behind the gate.

Here is a little boy.

He is reading a book about numbers, like one, two, …, ten.

② 内封:

Wow! So many animals!Look at this group.

The squirrel is playing the guitar.

The mouse is playing the


Look at this part. All the animals are looking at THIS OLD MAN.

⑵ 主体内容:

① 歌词部分,内容重复度极高,不同之处只有数字和对应的押韵词:This old man, he played 1~10. He played nick nack on my drum/shoe/knee…/hen. With a nick nack Paddy whack, give a dog a bone. This old man came rolling home.

② 画面部分,数字1-6中都有对应数量的小花,所以女儿可以开心地数数,而不需看无聊的阿拉伯数字(她现在对数字一点兴趣都没有)。而每一个数字老人身边也有对应数量的动物或物品。比如2号老人是一名海盗,带着2个耳环,胡子上有2个蝴蝶结;身边有2只海鸥,2只海鹰,2只鲸



1号老人:butterfly, bird, bunny puppet, drum, squirrel, mouse, guitar, flute, boy.

2号老人:earring, bow, seagull, puffin, whale.

3号老人:mouse(mice), dog, butterfly, caterpillar, triangle, line, angle, dot.

4号老人:cat /kitten, paint can.

5号老人:(pink) flower, (green) leaf, bee.

6号老人:ladybug, brick.




2. 拓展游戏

⑴ 韵脚练习


⑵ 感统练习:侧滚翻



Week 23(1/2-1/8)


① Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush(廖Week 16,鹅妈妈拓展)

② Over in the Meadow(廖Week 36)


① One for Sorrow

② Whose Little Pigs Are These


①This Is the Way 1+2


Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush

这部绘本讲的是小朋友们的日常作息(daily routine)。全文共有14段歌曲,13个生活场景引出13个动词词组,其余内容都是相同的。

第一段为Here we go round the mulberry

bush on a cold and frosty morning.

后13段都以This is the way we + daily routine + on a cold and frosty morning / lunchtime / evening.

可联动的绘本有Five Little Ducks, Down by the Station和The Wheels on the Bus,都是Child's Play第一辑中的作品。

go around the mulberry bush_腾讯视频

1. 内容解读

⑴绘本中每一个小朋友的行为各有不同,即便我们不提,孩子也会问:“他在干什么呀?”所以,细化故事内容是不可避免的。我们可以自问自答What do they eat? How do they get to school?这样的问题。


●get out of bed: wear pajamas, climb down the ladder, slide down from the bed.

munch and crunch: an omelet, a bowl of cornflakes, a bowl of KoKoKrunch with milk, a toast with jam, a croissant, etc.

●brush our teeth: squeeze toothpaste on my toothbrush, rinse my mouth.

●wash and scrub: take a bath /shower.

●dress ourselves: put on my hat / pants / dress / sweater / coat / down coat / overall / socks / boots, etc.

brush and comb: straight / curly hair

get to school: by scooter, by bus, by walk(ing), by bike, by wheelchair, by car.

●work all day: work on the computer,write letters, shoot the ball, work on the clock, do the paper cutting, draw a picture.

●jump and play: jump on the boxes, play with the ball (in a wheelchair), build blocks, skip rope, play hopscotch, play with the toy cars.

eat our lunch: toast, cupcake, apple; rice, juice, banana; cake, donut, chicken, beans, chips; sausage, cheese, tomato, cucumber; spaghetti, ketchup, milk.

go home: by sledge, by roller skating, by skateboarding, by bike.

●rest at home: read a book, do the puzzles, listen to the music, take a bath, play with the toy trains, watch TV.

say "good night": have a hug, have a piggyback ride, read a book, wave goodnight.

⑵文中的in the morning / lunchtime (afternoon) / evening可与童谣skidamarink结合,帮助孩子了解一天中的主要时间段。TPR视频可参考SSS版。


2. 拓展活动

⑴ 实景重现




其中,玩时钟时,可以结合童谣Hickory Dickory Dock。

⑵ Amber's Daily Routine


This is the way I get up / listen to the songs/ brush my teeth / wash my face / comb my hair / get dressed / go to school /have breakfast / take classes on a cold and frosty morning.

This is the way I eat my lunch / take a nap /play with friends / go home on a cold and frosty afternoon.

This is the way I read books / eat my dinner/ take a bath / go to bed on a cold and frosty evening.

Over in the Meadow

这部绘本除了廖彩杏书单推荐的版本外,还有Child's Play版。相较于Child's Play胖嘟嘟的可爱画风,这部绘本的画风更加写意,阳光、水气等的环境渲染还真不一定适合所有小朋友。



To be continued…

关于作者: admin
